Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Official Announcement: I'm going to AOL

I'll have more to say on this soon. Check back here. In the mean time, I'll let the official announcement give the who-what-where.


AOL has hired another prominent journalist to join AOL's full time editorial staff.

Saul Hansell, formerly of The New York Times, will be join us as Programming Director of AOL's Seed.com., AOL's first employee for the recently announced content management platform, expected to launch this month. Saul will be reporting to Mike Rich, senior vice president of AOL entertainment, and will be responsible for leveraging Seed across all of AOL's platforms.

Saul joined The New York Times in 1992 and most recently was covering the telecommunications beat, including wired and wireless communication of voice, data and video, including companies involved in telephone, Internet backbone, cable TV, Internet video, cellphone handsets, and other devices connected to networks, as well as communications policy and privacy. Launched in 2007, he was the founding editor of Bits, a blog on nytimes.com covering a wide range of technology topics with particular interest in Internet media, digital marketing, consumer electronics and the evolving business models for music and video.

Bits was named best blog among larger publications in the 2007 Best in Business awards by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. His September 1989 story on computerized trading, ``The Wild, Wired World of Electronic Exchanges,’‘ won the Overseas Press Club's Morton Frank award for best magazine business reporting from abroad. He has also received awards from the Deadline Club of New York and the American Society of Business Press Editors. Saul received his Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies/Economics from Columbia College in 1984.


stk said...

Congrats, but "will be join as"??

Unknown said...

congrats, sounds exciting. wanna hear more

BrumleyGap said...

I'll miss your work at NYT

John Sacke said...

All the best Saul ... enjoyed pitching you --- and will do so again soon. Cheers

Unknown said...

Congrats, Saul. Best of luck. Let us know if we can be of assistance.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Saul, and wish you much success in the new gig.

Virginia Citrano said...

Definitely needing more details.

Art Brodsky said...

Best of luck, Saul. Let us know if you come down to Va.

From the Trenches said...

Best of luck, Saul. There is life after the NYT, take it from me!
All the best,--Riva Atlas

Unknown said...

Sounds Interesting. Will they be doing International news and Content as well? David.clinch@cnn.com

Jerry Grasso said...

Saul: Congrats, I hope this goes well for you. Your voice will be missed at the Times, IMO.

lkramer said...

Huge move...I'm really happy for you and AOL...I'm betting on them being a major player in the resurgence of original content on the web and you're a perfect guy to jump start that. Good luckQ

Unknown said...

Wow. The talent drain at the NYT is stunning, but I guess this is how creative destruction works. The new gig sure looks like a great challenge. Good luck.

Andy Schwartzman

Unknown said...

Saul. Happy for you. That's a bigtime job.

Best of luck with it and let's connect at something other than some conference.

Aaron Cohen

Norman Birnbach said...
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Norman Birnbach said...

I'll miss your reporting from the Times. Now you get a behind-the-scenes (instead of a front-row) look at how AOL reinvents itself. Good luck!

Brian O'Neal said...

Saul, Best of luck at Seed. In touch, Brian

Unknown said...

Nice gig, Saul. Congratulations. We're all really proud of you and the great work you've done over the years.